1. Visas (Status of Residence)
In a partial revision to the Immigration Control Act (July 15, 2009), the status of residence "pre-college student" and "college student" have been unified. There is no need to change the status to "college student" from "pre-college student" while the period of stay is valid. When the period of stay in extended, the status of residence will be automatically changed from "pre-college student" to "college student".
2. Extending Period of Stay
The periods of stay for the status of residence "College (Pre-college) Student" are 2 years and 3 months, 2 years, 1 year and 3 months, 1 year, as well as 6 months. If your period of stay is about to expire while you are in school, go to the immigration bureau or office to extend your period of stay.
Allow ample time to follow procedures necessary to get all documents issued from the university and other documents you need to prepare before applying for the extenstion at the immigration bureau. The number of days it takes the immigration bureau to issue extensions depends on individual's situations and application period.
Application for Period of Stay Extension
Application Period:
From 3 months before until the day period of stay expires
Actual person
4,000 yen (when extended)
Flow of Procedures:
(1)Document Forms
Download the "Application for Period of Stay Extension: Application Forms 1, 2(P), 3(P)" from the Immigration Bureau homepage and fill in the necessary details.
(2)Apply at University
Go to the following office and apply for the "Document of University Enrollment (2 sheets)".
Student ID
Certificate of Alien Registration
Campus | Office in Charge |
Hakusan Main Hakusan 2nd |
Center for International Programs Office (Hakusan Campus Bldg.3,5F) |
Kawagoe | Academic & Student affairs Section (Student Life) |
Asaka | Administration Section (Student Life) |
(3)Pick up
※About 1 week fromapplication