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2017-01-12 10:47


【 liuxuequn.com - 出国签证 】

  6. Extend your visa

  You may be able to apply to extend your stay in the UK under a Tier 2 (General) visa.

  You should include any dependants who are on your current visa on your application to extend. This includes children who have turned 18 during your stay.

  You should apply before your current visa expires.


  You must have current permission to enter or stay as one of the following:

  1.   Tier 1 (Entrepreneur)
  2.   Tier 2 (General)
  3.   qualifying work permit holder
  4.   representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation
  5.   member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline
  6.   Jewish agency employee

  You must also meet the following conditions:

  1.   you have the same job as when you were issued your previous permission to enter or stay in the UK
  2.   you’re still working for the employer who assigned your certificate of sponsorship
  3.   you’re still earning an ‘appropriate salary’ - read the guidance if you’re not sure

  You must be in the UK to extend your visa.

  How long you can stay

  You can apply to extend your visa for up to another 5 years, as long as your total stay is not more than 6 years.


  Check the fee for your type of visa.

  How to extend your visa

  Read the Tier 2 guidance notes before you apply.

  You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. Check how much you’ll have to pay before you apply.

  If you’re in the UK you can:

  1.   apply online as an individual or family group, using the standard or priority service
  2.   get a same-day decision at a premium service centre, by booking a premium service appointment when you apply online

  Biometric information

  You must also provide your biometric information (fingerprints and a photo).

  You can give your biometric information at:

  1.   certain Post Office branches if you applied online (this costs £19.20)
  2.   a premium service centre if you applied in person

  You’ll get a biometric residence permit if your application to extend your visa is successful.

  How long it takes

  Decisions are made:

  1.   within 8 weeks for online applications
  2.   within 10 days if you’re able to use the Tier 2 priority application service
  3.   usually on the same day if you use the premium service

  You’ll be contacted if your application is complex and will take longer, for example because:

  1.   your supporting documents need to be verified
  2.   you need to attend an interview
  3.   of your personal circumstances, for example if you have a criminal conviction

  Once you’ve applied you can stay in the UK until you’ve been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.

  If you change your job

  You may need to apply to extend your Tier 2 (General) visa application if:

  1.   you want to change your job and your new job is with a different employer
  2.   your job changes to a different standard occupation classification (SOC) code
  3.   your job is taken off the shortage occupation list
  4.   your changes of job means you’re paid less than the amount stated on your certificate of sponsorship or work permit

  You won’t need to make a new application if you’ll be staying with your current employer but your job will change in other ways, for example you want to change to a job in the same SOC code, or your pay will increase.

  You must have a new certificate of sponsorship and you must meet all other application conditions, but you won’t need to send evidence in support of your application if you’ve sent it for a previous Tier 2 application.

  You can continue working for your previous sponsor until the start date on your new certificate of sponsorship if your current permission to stay is still valid.

  You should not start your new job until you’ve received your biometric residence permit with your new permission.


  7. Switch to this visa

  You can apply to change (‘switch’) from another visa to a Tier 2 (General) visa.

  You should apply before your current visa expires.


  You must already be in the UK under any of the following visas or schemes:

  1.   Tier 1 visa
  2.   Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visa
  3.   Tier 2 (Minister of religion) visa
  4.   Tier 2 (Intra company Transfer: established staff) visa and you’re applying to change sponsor
  5.   Tier 2 (Intra company Transfer) visa under the Immigration Rules in place before 6 April 2010 and you’re applying to change sponsor
  6.   Tier 4 visa, or you’re on another kind of student visa - read ‘Switching from a Tier 4 visa’ below
  7.   Tier 5 (Temporary Worker - Creative and sporting) for a job as a professional footballer and you meet the Tier 2 (Sportsperson) requirements
  8.   Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
  9.   Innovator Scheme
  10.   Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme
  11.   International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme)
  12.   Business and Commercial work permit (except multiple entry work permits)
  13.   Sports and Entertainment work permit (except multiple entry work permits)

  You can also switch to a Tier 2 (General) visa if you’re:

  1.   a dependent partner of someone with a Tier 4 visa
  2.   a Jewish agency employee
  3.   operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline
  4.   a minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order
  5.   an overseas qualified nurse or midwife
  6.   writing up a thesis
  7.   a postgraduate doctor or dentist
  8.   a representative of an overseas business
  9.   a representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation
  10.   a student union sabbatical officer

  You must leave the UK and make your Tier 2 (General) application from abroad if you’re not in any of these categories.

  Switch from a Tier 4 or other student visa

  You can switch to this visa from a Tier 4 or other student visa if you have an eligible qualification from a licensed tier 4 sponsor. They must have sponsored your visa to study for that qualification.

  The eligible qualifications are:

  1.   a UK bachelors degree
  2.   a UK masters degree
  3.   a postgraduate certificate in education
  4.   a professional graduate diploma of education

  The other student visa categories are:

  1.   student
  2.   student nurse
  3.   student re-sitting an examination
  4.   overseas qualified nurse
  5.   person writing up a thesis
  6.   postgraduate doctor or dentist
  7.   student union sabbatical officer

  PhD students

  You must have completed at least 12 months’ study for your PhD during your most recent stay in the UK and had permission to take the qualification.

  How long you can stay

  You can stay in the UK for up to 5 years after switching to a Tier 2 (General) visa.


  Check the fee for your type of visa.

  How to switch your visa

  Read the Tier 2 guidance notes before you apply.

  You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. Check how much you’ll have to pay before you apply.

  If you’re in the UK you can:

  1.   apply online as an individual or family group, using the standard or priority service
  2.   get a same-day decision at a premium service centre, by booking a premium service appointment when you apply online

  Biometric information

  Each person applying must also provide biometric information (fingerprints and a photo).

  You can give your biometric information at:

  1.   certain Post Office branches if you applied online (this costs £19.20)
  2.   a premium service centre if you applied in person (this is included in the premium service application price)

  You’ll get a biometric residence permit if your application to switch your visa is successful.

  How long it takes

  Decisions are usually made:

  1.   within 8 weeks for online applications
  2.   within 10 days if you’re able to use the Tier 2 priority application service
  3.   on the same day if you use the premium service

  You’ll be contacted if your application is complicated and will take longer, for example because:

  1.   your supporting documents need to be verified
  2.   you need to attend an interview
  3.   of your personal circumstances, for example if you have a criminal conviction

  Once you’ve applied you can stay in the UK until you’ve been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.

  想了解更多出国签证网的资讯,请访问: 出国签证

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