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2011-05-12 13:45




【 liuxuequn.com - 出国签证 】


(1)What will you study in the United States?

I will pursue Ph.D. degree in***in University **. We use economic, legal and other method to analyze the issue. ----第一句不错,第二局及格,应该更生动形象具体的说,而且要注意留下继续阐述的空间,万一vo一直听你称述你的专业和应用,答不出来就怀疑你背答案。 专业,专业方向,专业具体用途 是第一句话需要说明的。

(2)I noticed your undergraduate major is International Trade and Economics. So why do you transfer?

First I am very interested in this area.----兴趣一定不要放第一原因 要现实的以你自己能力的发展来讲,社会经济价值的体现,社会意义。转专业的重点不是吹嘘新的专业好,而是重点说新旧的承上启下,辅以说明新的专业为何好。

Second, I have participated in several projects in this field. (Would you like to see my resume?) My research field is also the *** economics. Besides, when I was interviewed by University **, the professor said he also appreciated my research on the game theory. The game theory is needed in my future projects there. It is also one of the reasons that I am offered the fellowship. (Would you like to see my papers?)--------太干瘪了


(3) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

I have several choices in China.----只需要说plan,不要绕圈子

First I want to be a professor in universities. In the same time, I can be a consultant in the government, just like my current advisor. ----计划不错,不过应该是唯一不是几个选择之一 The payment is high; the job is decent and the life is stable---不好 不要直接说收入高,理由呢??顾问就该收入高??? It is my favorite choice.

Second is to be a member in the government.---居然人生路都不确定,难道到了美国再说,我还有一个选择,留在美国不走呢。 Today, the ** economy is booming in China---最好补充为何booming,一句简洁的话, but the specialists are few, so I think I have good opportunities.
The third is to enter some companies, using my knowledge in economy.
future plan忌讳复杂,所以----

(4)It seems that you cherished the time, so why don't you stay in US?
So to speak, the economy in China is like a white piece of paper and it is easier to draw a more beautiful picture in this white paper, and I want to be the first group of people. 凑合,但是不强,漏洞很多。


(5) Why do you choose this Univ.?
University of ××× is very strong in this area. I am very interested in this field and my research also matches with it. Besides, I am familiar with this university since the undergraduate year when I browsed its website for latest development in this area.


(6) Why do you like your major?

I want to be a professional in this area, in the same time I will be also a consultant in the government. Meanwhile, the** economy is booming in China, and the specialists in this area are few. If I come back with advanced knowledge in USA and Ph.D. degree in such good university as **, my future is promising. Personally,


(1)What will you study in the United States?
I will pursue my Ph.D. degree in ** in University **. We use economic method to analyze the issue. For example,举例我这个方向的经济学的用途. 好些了

(2)I noticed your undergraduate major is International Trade and Economics. So why do you transfer?

Strictly speaking, this is not a transfer. In fact what I will do is essentially the same thing. I just become more specialized. In my current university, we analyze the **(my major) in International Economics and Trade, such as……. That is we combine the ** Economics with International Economics. So all my papers are related to ** Economics. Then I can better fulfill my career goal in China.

(到这里是不是该停一下,让VO问我的职业规划,否则这个问题的回答就太长了?)I want to be a specialist in universities or institutions in China and be the first group of professors to offer the Ph.D. degree in ** Economics in China. At the same time, after years' hard work, I want to be the consultant in the government. By pursuing the Ph.D. degree in** in university, it is easier to fulfill it. After all, U of ** is one of the best in ** and my future advisor, the director of my program, Dr. ** is very famous in this area. 总体提高了 需要简练点和更开门见山点

(3) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

I want to be a specialist in ** Economics in universities or institutions in China. I want to be the first group of professors who offer the Ph.D. degree in ** Economics. At the same time, after years' hard work, I want to be the consultant in the government. By pursuing the Ph.D. degree in** in **, it is easier to fulfill it. After all, U of** is one of the best in ** and my future advisor, the director of my program, Dr.** is very famous in **. 好多了

(4) Why do you like your major?

I want to be a professional in this area and offer the first Ph.D. degree in ** Economics in China. At the same time I want to be a consultant in the government. Meanwhile, the economy is booming in China, and the specialists in this area are few. No Ph.D. degree in** Economics in China means there are not enough intelligent involving it. 不够直接开门见山



你的offer letter. Here you are.


可能大家看到只有两个问题,准备这么多不值得,但是他在问我offer letter的时候我,我准备了5个A4的袋子,3篇论文原件,一时找不到offer letter就把袋子全拿出来找,他一看准备了那么多,就不值得问什么了,所以充分准备是很有必要的。另外看到版上有很多人说如果材料不够,就往里边塞纸,我觉得这个办法很无耻:难道我们都忘了由于我们自己的不诚信,导致GRE只能笔考,由于我们自己的不诚信,导致推荐信都没有作用吗?所以建议大家准备多少就准备多少,VO也不是傻子,如果让他们看出来,以后的签证者该怎么办,把材料一个一个袋子的倒出来?




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