[推荐]其他站找到的一个事例,可以参考一下 http://www.workandtravel.com.cn/cgjy/lxqz/qzsl/qzsl08.htm 跨区签证纪事(虎口脱险) 作者:planting 6月20号上午9点半打车到达美国大使馆。抵达后不久,就得知一位沈阳地区的签友上午不幸被拒。虽然心里早就做好了准备,但听到这个消息,心里不免觉得有些沉甸甸的。 与我同校的一位同学也是预约到20号,但她决定不去签了,她说与其被拒,不如回沈阳,等到8月份也许会放水。我实在不想回沈阳去等待那可能是遥遥无期的放水,既然已经做好了一切准备,既然箭已经放在了弦上,那不如就势发出去,也许不能射中靶心,但我亦不会后悔。从来相信发生的都是必然要发生的,从来相信一切都是命运安排好的。 我预约的是下午396号,距我签证的时间尚早,于是在附近找了一家麦当劳,细细地理了一下思路,仔细地考虑签证官可能会就“跨区”问哪些问题,一遍一遍地模拟签证的情景。临时想起签证官可能会问一些有关给我开工作证明的公司的情况,于是出去给朋友打了一个电话,详细地问了一下公司的地址、电话以及主要的业务,以免到时出错。因为我的暂住证上的工作单位与工作证明上的公司不一样,所以我又就此准备了很多问题和解释。三个小时飞逝而过,我离开麦当劳到了秀水街。离叫号的时间还有半个小时,我在大使馆附近来来回回地走,心里已经很平静了。(大家如果到达大使馆很早的话,没有必要在那儿苦苦地等着叫号,那样很容易紧张,不如在附近散散步,可以使自己放松放松。) 1点半时叫到我的号,我很平静地向入口走去。在警卫检查我的护照时,我心里还对自己开玩笑:如果现在回头还来得及。在安检的小屋,一个人很仔细地检查了我的护照,在OF156表上用红笔标上沈阳,并用红笔将表中家庭地址一栏中的“安徽”和学校地址一栏中的“沈阳”重重地圈上了,并很不客气地对我说:你这是怎么回事?我没理他,出了安检屋,就进了签证大厅。 在2号窗口领到浅黄色牌,然后排队等待。刚开始时,只有一个亚裔的签证官在7号窗口,我不知道是不是大家说的韩国GG,反正他长了一张黑黑圆圆的脸,一点也不酷。签证形势好极了,除了第一个被拒了(原因不详),以后签了近30个人,就没有被拒的,站在我旁边的一位南开的学生开玩笑:他是不是忘带拒签的章了。这时又开了6号窗口,是一位略有些秃头的美国青年。十分钟后,8号窗口开了,是一位很精神的美国人,年龄大约30多岁。8号窗口先叫了粉色牌,签完粉色牌后,他拿起了浅黄牌,终于到我们了。叫的第一个人是去美国探丈夫,签证官和她谈了三四分钟,然后拿起一个章,“咣”“咣”两下(我觉得咣咣那两声真得很恐怖)把她拒了。出乎意料的是,签证官拿起她的材料很详细地对她解释了为什么不能给她签证,她还缺哪些材料。此时,我对他顿生好感 。又签了两个之后,我看见他拿起的护照里夹着I-20表,并很清楚地听到他说了一声“another Shenyang”,我知道轮到我了,而且他并不友善。 下面就是我的签证经历: M:me O:officer M:Good afternoon,sir! 可是他一点也没领情 Oo you know you shouldn't apply for the visa in Bejing, you should apply i n Shenyang.(他甚至不打算要我的材料) M:but, I am staying at Bejing now. Here are my temporary living certificate and work certificate. I am working for a collaberate project...... O:Hold, let me have a look first. O:You came here in April.(他指着我的工作证明,那上面写我从4月份起在他们公司工作。因为我的暂住证上的工作单位与工作证明上的公司不一样,我就把时间错开,这样方便解释。) M: No, this collabrate project has two parts, I did the first part in XXXX h ospital, I came here this January, you can see it from my temporary living c erficate...... 他又一次地打断我 O:you mean it is "temporary", not "permanent ", so you shouldn't apply for t he visa in Beijing. 这时,他把6号窗口的签证官叫了过来,两人嘀嘀咕咕说了几句话,这时7号窗口的亚裔 也过来了。我把心一横,无论如何我都申辩下去。 M:But, according to your rules, I can apply for the visa here. I was told that I can apply for the visa in Bejing if I am really living in Beijing...... .. O:who told you? M:I called your consulting number! O:really? Mf course, yes! O:You are master student? M:Yes, in XXXXX university. o:have you got your master degree? M:not yet. I will soon get it next month. O:So, you are still a master student, you are still at the university in Shenyang, you shouldn't apply for the visa in Beijing. M:But, I finished my master thesis early last year, in fact, I can graduate ahead of time. But I didn't do so because my supervisor wanted me to help with the collabrate project. So I chose to stay here to do the research. I have published my paper at the end of last year. You can see the journals I bring here.(这时我把登有我文章的期刊塞了进去。) You can see it was published in December last year, it means I finished my master work at least in the middle of last year. I also bring here my master thesis absract. All these can prove my words. O:You work here? I: sure, I did the first part in XXXX hospital, it is the laboratory stage, when I finished it, I began to do the second part in this company, we want to merchandize it and set up the reaction system.... O:Hold! 他又开始和那两个签证官嘀嘀咕咕起来。我也不管他什么hold,继续往下说。 M:I can not finish my part until the end of next month, however, I have to set off for XXX university from Bejing in early August, I really have no time to come back to Shenyang to apply for the visa. Please understand me, it will be very unconvenient for me to apply for the visa in Shenyang. I have not time. Believe me, if I have the time, I will go back to apply for the visa. Please carefully considerate my application. O:can I see your transcripts? M:here you are O: Do you have other materials that can prove you are working in Bejing. My god,我已经给你看了暂住证和工作证明,你们还要什么?当然我是不能这样说的。我拿出我们一个课题任务合同书塞进去,上面标了有一个合作单位在北京。 M: my master work is a small part of this project. It is one of 15 chinese major priority project on basic research. It is also a collaberate project. All the projects I did in my graduate study are callaberate projects. In fact, I spent half of my three years in Bejing because of these collaberate projects. do you know only the most excellent students can be chose to do the major collaberate projects? 这时,他指着那个课题书对那两个签证官说了几句话。然后问我: O:what will you study in XXXX university? (终于问到25个问题了,这时我知道我一定能拿到签证) M: Genetics, cancer genetics, studying the genetic mechanism of tumor's formation and developement, it is very useful. If we can understand the secret of tumors, we can find the best way for tumor's prevention and therapy. Many people can benifit from the research. O:Have you any other materails that show you will study in this univ? 这时,我才想起来我还没把admisson letter和offer letter 给他。我把这两份材料塞进去。 O:how many univs did you apply? M:seven. O:how many admitted you? M:four. 他开始看我的OF156表。 Mlease undertand my situation. 他笑了:Don't be nervous, take it easy, I will. 他开始在我的156表上写字,然后撕下黄色的小票给我。 M:I really appreciate your careful consideration for my application for visa . have a nice day! thanks for your time. 他给了我一个极其灿烂的微笑:you are welcome. Go to window ten, Good luck. 我拿着那得来不易的黄色小票,来到10号窗口。一对老夫妻对我说:“真不容易啊,整个签证大厅就听你在说,差不多有10分钟吧。你挺勇敢。” 我摸摸别在腰间的妈妈给我的护身符,心里想也许真的是神明保佑我吧。 以上就是我的签证经历,有些细节已经记不起来了,基本过程就是这样的。我希望我的签证经历对沈阳地区的签友有一些帮助。以下是我的一些心得: 1、现在跨区签证形势不是很好,虽然我签过了,但有不少运气的成分在里面。如果沈阳的形势依然很糟糕,可以来北京一试,但必须准备好一切材料,暂住证和工作证明以及一切可以能证明你在北京的材料。只要签证官给了你申述的机会,你一定要抓住,尽可能地阐明你的理由,争取他的理解。事先要练好口语,反应要快,抓住一切机会说出你的情况。我觉得我的比较流利的口语起了一定的作用。 2、事先设想好一切签证官可能要问的问题,准备好答案,避免到时紧张出错。 3、不用担心你听不懂签证官的问题。我的听力谈不上好,但那天,签证官所有的提问我听得都很清楚,因此我答的也很快。 |