9月11号 EMS寄出材料.
13号 变14
25号 变12
10月21 变回7
10月24 变12
从10月27就开始error ,直到10月31 中午吃完饭变 13
11月1 收到签证
从留学群liuxuequn.com获得了很多有用的信息,得到了很多签友的指点。非常感谢发信息给我帮助的人中吕布,Ivtwu99999,还有回答问题,总结资料的签友qzmoooo,dongdong4221,deidei, Bob—xiong 等等啦~~
1, 护照快到期。我的护照到明年中就到期了,按中国现在的规定,只有在到期前的半年才可以给续护照。我当时就是怕签证只能给到护照到期前,就是说,只给几个月。就和公安局的人申请提前护照延期。中间费了很多口舌和麻烦。现在看来,是非常值得了。使馆给签了快2年的签证。
2, 外国的无犯罪证明。就是在国外曾经居住过6个月以上,要国外的无犯罪证明。这个花了我大概快2个月的时间(英国的)!!所以提醒有在国外居住过的签友,一定要提前准备这个材料!而且填申请表的时候,一定要和警察局要电子版本的表。要不然就更耽误时间了。
最后付上check list. 供马上要递材料的签友参考。
Part Ⅰ
Ⅰ.1. My passport, No.****, Valid Until ****2012 (2012年呀,哈哈)
Ⅰ.2. Application for a study permit forms(IMM 1294)and Family composition information
part Ⅱ
Ⅱ.1. Conditional Offer Letter from the University of Victoria, accompanied by a second-degree offer from Advising Center
Ⅱ.2. Study Plan
Ⅱ.3. No Criminal Activity Certificate (China)
Ⅱ.4. No Criminal Activity Certificate (UK), accompanied by Certificate of Registration in Nottingham police station
Ⅱ.5. Original graduate certificate from my high school with original transcripts, accompanied with translation
Ⅱ.6. Notarized copy of ****University diploma and degree certificate, plus original university transcripts
Ⅱ.7. Original graduate/degree certificate from the University of ****, plus original transcripts
Ⅱ.8. My registration and courses information (from UVic WebView system)
Ⅱ.9. E-mails with the University of Victoria
Part Ⅲ
Ⅲ.1. Cost Sheet – pink sheet
Ⅲ.2. Original certificates of deposit (RMB ***,***.00 )
Ⅲ.3. Original deposit slips and copy of source deposit
Ⅲ.4. Funds summarization, including sources and amount
Ⅲ.5. My father, Mr. ***’s working and annual income certificate with the copy of his letter of appointment
Ⅲ.6. My mother, Mrs. ***’s working and annual income certificate with the copy of her letter of appointment
Ⅲ.7. My parents’ support letter with English translation
Ⅲ.8. Household register (COPY) with English translation
Ⅲ.9. Copies of 2 Housing Ownership Certificates with English translation
Part Ⅳ
Ⅳ.1. Photocopy of 860 RMB PMO receipt.
Ⅳ.2. 4 passport-sized photographs
Ⅳ.3. 6 self-address mailing Labels
Ⅳ.4. Self-address EMS sheet.
过境签证:当一国公民在国际间旅行,除直接到达目的地外,往往要途径一、二个国家才能最终进入目的地国境。这时不仅需要取得前往国家的入境许可,而且还必须取得途经国家的过境许可,这就称之为过境签证。 关于过境签证的规定,各国不尽相同。不少国家规定,凡取道该国进入第三国的外国人,不论停留时间长短,一律需要办理签证。按照国际惯例,如无特殊限制,一国公民只要持有有效护照、前往国入境签证或联程机票,途经国家均应发给过境签证。