


【 liuxuequn.com - 签证技巧 】



  1、Why do you choose this University? (根据自己学校的情况来改)

  I choose this University because of severalreasons.

  A. FIU has been ranked among the top 100 public universities in the U.S. Andits hospitality and tourism program is ranked sixth.

  B. FIU offers internship that utilizes the hotels, resorts, restaurants, clubsand so on as practice labs for students.

  C. FIU has excellent professors, such as Gregory Bohan who graduated fromCornell University and Sandro Formica who has published over fifty articles ininternational academic journals.

  D. FIU’s average costs are reasonable, and it’s located in a city that has apleasant climate similar to my hometown. This will better help me adjust to my school life abroad.

  2、What did you study before? (本科专业问题)

  --- I studied German.

  --- Why did you choose this major?

  --- I chose this major because my English teacher recommended me. My Englishwas very good in my high school, so my English teacher thought that I could usemy advantage to learn another language. German is kind of similiar with Englishand Xi'an International Studies University is also famous for teaching German.So I chose to study German there.

  --- Did you like this major?

  --- Well, it's a good major, but I'm interestedin Hospitality Management moresince I have made up my mind to deal with hotel work in the future.

  3、Why not continue your studies in China?

  Because my career goals are to become a seniorexecutive in a 5-star hotel within 5 years and set up my own hotel within 10years. In order to achieve these goals, I need advanced and professionalknowledge in Hospitality Management. The US can provide the best opportunityfor me to get what I need.

  You know, there is still a gap between Chinese educational level and theAmerican’s. The US has the best educational recourses and models in the world,and the American education combines practical experience with classroom theorywhile the Chinese education focuses more on theory.

  Moreover, hospitality industry is highly developed in America. So I can learnthe latest information about hospitality management to enrich my knowledge.

  4、How long will you study in USA?

  My I-20 form says the normal length of myprogram lasts 3 years but the school official told me that most studentscomplete within 2 years of full-time study. So I will work hard to finish mystudies within 2 years.

  5、I think your plan is hard to fulfill, I don’t believe your plan. How can youprove that to me?

  I know my ambitions are high, but I haveconfidence and determination to fulfill them. They are feasible!

  Basically speaking, China is the most suitable place for me to achieve mygoals. On one hand, I can get the strongest relationship and money support inChina since my parents and most of my friends live here. On the other hand,China is more suitable to start business because of its huge labor market,lower investment costs and the government support.

  As far as I know, starting a business needs abundant knowledge, experiences,capital and social network. I can get such knowledge from my studies in the US.Then I will gather practical experiences by working in China’s hotel industryfor years, at the same time I will enlarge my social network here. When I havecollected sufficient money and the time is right, I will be able to set up myown hotel.

  6、Who will support the costs of your studies?

  My parents will support the costs of my studies.They have fixed income, stock earnings and bank savings for many years.

  My mother works as (母亲职位) and her annual income this year is about (今年年收入). Myfather works as (父亲职位)and his annual income this year is about (今年年收入).Here are their Certificates of Employment and Income and my family asset.

  7、What is your career plan? What will you do in the future?

  After finishing my Master’s program, I will comeback to China and work in a hotel in my hometown Hainan. My short-term goal isto become a senior executive in a 5 star hotel within 5 years and my long termgoal is to set up my own hotel within 10 years.

  Specifically speaking, I will start off by preparing sufficient capital, socialnetwork and China’s hotel market information by working in China’s hotelindustry for 3 or 4 years. When I have improved my ability and gathered enoughexperiences in this area, I will be able to set up my own hotel. My hotel willapply the advanced Western technology and patterns I have learned in the USinto China’s special conditions, making it suitable for China’s market. And asmy hotel brand is becoming mature, I will expand my business to the other partsof China. (Why in Hainan?)

  Because I have been living here most of my life, I am familiar with this placeand most of my relatives and friends are here, so they will give me a lot ofhelp, support and advice in my business. Meanwhile, Hainan is recognized as anInternational Tourism Island, tourism is its pillar industry. More and moreinternational star hotels have been located here such as Hilton, Marriot,Sheraton etc, so its hospitality industry is very promising.

  8、What is your academic background?

  I graduated from Xi’an International StudiesUniversity this year in July. My Major was German.

  9、What will you do if you don’t get this Visa?

  If I didn't get this Visa this time, I woulddefinitely try for another time, one time failure won't make me give up chasingmy goals. But I have received the admission letter from FIU and I reallycherish this opportunity to study there, so I sincerely hope I can get yoursupport.

  10、What will you do in the US?

  I will study Hospitality Management for Master’sDegree at Florida International University.

  11、Why do you choose this major?

  I choose this major because of my interest andcareer prospect.

  To be specific, I have always loved living in a nice hotel and enjoyed thatgraceful and cozy environment. My cousin is also an executive general managerin a resort, when I was a Junior I spent some of my vacations in the resortwhere she was working, since then I developed more interest in hotels and Imade up my mind to deal with hotel work in the future. I also found out thatChina is very short of talented people in star hotels, especially those with goodforeign language skills and foreign educational backgrounds. I can speak 2foreign languages, so with the advanced education in the US and my knowledge inChinese culture, I will gain the upper hand in the Chinese hotel market.

  12、Why do you change your major?

  Before I entered the University, I didn’t have avery clear and detailed career plan. When I was a Junior, I spent some of myvacations in the resort where my cousin was working as an executive generalmanager. Since then I developed more interests in hotels and I made up my mindto deal with hotel work in the future. My cousin also told me that China isvery short of talented people in star hotels, especially those with goodforeign language skills and foreign educational backgrounds. I can speak 2foreign languages, so with the advanced education in the US and my knowledge inChinese culture, I will gain the upper hand in the Chinese hotel market.

  13、I don't believe that you will come back. How can you prove that to me?

  Yes, I will definitely come back to China aftergraduation in order to achieve my goals.

  Basically speaking, China is the most suitable place for me to achieve mygoals. On one hand, I can get the strongest relationship and money support inChina since my parents and most of my friends live here. On the other hand,China is more suitable to start business because of its huge labor market,lower investment costs and the government support. In comparison, hospitalityindustry and education are highly developed in the US, there is no shortage oftalented people, the competition there is higher, so this will be difficult forme to reach my goals.

  In addition, China is very short of talented people in star hotels, especiallythose with good foreign language skills and foreign educational backgrounds. Ican speak 2 foreign languages, so with the advanced education in the US and myknowledge about Chinese cultures, I will gain the upper hand in the Chinesehotel market.

  Considered all the reasons I have mentioned, I will come back to China.

  14、You have too little working experience, you may not understand your futureclearly. I think you should stay in China to collect more working experiencesbefore pursuing a Master’s Degree abroad?

  Well, even though working experiences areimportant in this field, my undergraduate background makes it hard for me tofind a relevant job in a hotel. However, if I go to the US to study HospitalityManagement, I will be qualified to get a good job in the hotel market. This isthe fastest way to reach my goals. Moreover, I have received the admissionletter from FIU, I really cherish this opportunity to study there, so I hope Ican get your support.

  15、Can you explain why 90% students didn’t come back?

  I’m not sure about their ideas, but my careergoals are to become a senior executive in a 5 star hotel within 5 years andthen set up my own hotel within 10 years.

  Basically speaking, China is the most suitable place for me to achieve mygoals. On one hand, I can get the strongest relationship and money support inChina since my parents and most of my friends live here. On the other hand,China is more suitable to start business because of its huge labor market,lower investment costs and the government support. In comparison, hospitalityindustry and education are highly developed in the US, there is no shortage oftalented people, the competition there is higher, so this will be difficult forme to reach my goals.

  In addition, China is very short of talented people in star hotels, especiallythose with good foreign language skills and foreign educational backgrounds. Ican speak 2 foreign languages, so with the advanced education in the US and myknowledge about Chinese cultures, I will gain the upper hand in the Chinesehotel market.

  16、Why don’t you want to study in other countries?

  As far as I know, many European countries likeUK and Switzerland have a short period of education for Master’s Degree, oneyear or one year and a half at most. This kind of educational system is notvery good for me to digest the knowledge, considered that I have no educationalbackground in Hospitality Management before.

  Moreover, they are smaller countries compared to the US, so their markets aresmaller. There won’t be many internship opportunities for me.

  17、What will you do during your vacations in America?

  I will do some part-time job in hotels that myUniversity provides during my vacations, so I can consolidate my knowledge withpractice and enrich my experiences.

  18、You can also make more of this kind of money in the US, don’t you want to earnmore?

  Compared to Chinese hotels, American hotels maypay more salaries to their staff. However, that’s not my final goal, my finalgoal is to set up my own hotel and be my own boss, this will get much morebenefits than working for others in a hotel.

  In order to set up my own hotel, I must start off by working in China, so I canenlarge my social network here. Besides, China is more suitable for startingbusiness because of its huge labor market, lower investment costs and thegovernment support. In comparison, hospitality industry and education arehighly developed in the US, there is no shortage of talented people, thecompetition there is higher, so this will be difficult for me to reach mygoals.

  19、What will you study? What courses? Which course do you like best?

  I will study Strategic Management, FinancialManagement, Hospitality Enterprise Technologies, Hospitality Service OperationsAnalysis and so on. At the same time I will take electives like MarketingManagement, Financial Accounting and Analysis for the Hospitality Industry. Myfavorite course is Marketing Management, I think it is very helpful forstarting a hotel.

  20、What will you do if you can’t find a position in a 5 star hotel?

  Becoming a senior executive in a 5-star hotel isone of my career goals. I can start off by working in a lower position orworking in a lower-level hotel.

  21、To how many universities have you applied? How did you apply and when did youget accepted?

  I applied to 2 universities. One is FIU and theother is University of South Carolina. They both have accepted me. But USC justinformed me of my acceptance a few days ago, so I haven’t received its paperadmissions. But since FIU is my priority, I decide to choose this one insteadof waiting for the other one.

  In August I began my application process. At first I filled out an applicationform online and paid 30 dollars for the application fee, and then mailed mypackage containing my Official University Trans, recommendation letters,back letter etc.

  I got the paper admission at the end of October.

  (Why only two universities?)

  Because they are enough for me, I am interested in these two schools most andmy scores met their requirements.

  22、Can you explain the meaning of Hospitality Management? How do youunderstand it?

  Hospitality management is both a field of workand a field of study. In the work sense, it refers to management of hotels,restaurants, travel agencies, and other institutions in the hospitalityindustry. As a field of study, it refers to the study of the hospitality industryand its management needs.

  23、What is your study plan?

  I will primarily focus on studying StrategicManagement, Hospitality Enterprises Technologies and Feasibility Studies forthe Hospitality Industry. In addition, I will take electives such as MarketingManagement, Financial Accounting and Analysis. These courses contain the basicknowledge that everyone who wants to start business must learn.

  At the same time, the school will provide an internship program which utilizesthe hotels, resorts and restaurants as practice labs for its students. I cantake advantage of this opportunity to consolidate my knowledge with practice.

  24、What did you do for this half year after you graduated?

  I prepared for my GMAT test and Universityapplications at home. And when FIU informed me of my admissions in October, Istarted to prepare for some preschool work it requires and then for my Visa.

  25、Did you apply for these schools by yourself? How did you know them?

  Yes I applied for them all by myself.

  At first, I searched the ranking list on the internet and located a range, thenI went to the official websites of these universities to look for more detailedinformation such as reputation, location, curriculum, internship, and so on,then I chose the universities that fit me most.

  26、Whois your advisor?

  The school official told me we don’t have anyspecific research advisors in this program since it’s coursework only. But I dobring the biography of some of the professors who will teach me some majorcourses. Would you like to see?

  27、How much will you earn after you come back?

  My short term goal is to become a seniorexecutive in a 5 star hotel, and according to the hotel information, hotelexecutives are ranked 6th among China’s top 10 occupations that paymillion salaries, but what I want is not just a job but a career. My final goalis to set up a hotel in China like the 7 Days Inn, and such a budget hotel canmake benefits about 1 million yuan a year. And when my hotel brand is becomingmature, I will expand my business to the other parts of China, at that time,the benefits will be considerable.

  28、Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else??

  Cornell is the best school and others likeNevada and Houston.

  (So why didn’t you apply to these schools?)

  Because FIU is my favorite among those Universities I was eligible to applyfor.

  29、Why did you apply to the Spring Term instead of the Summer Term? What did youdo after graduation?

  Because I was very busy with my major studies,exams and graduation thesis in University. I began to prepare for GMAT near theend of my graduation in my spare time, so I missed the deadline of the SummerTerm application.

  29、Have you received any scholarship?

  I did apply for scholarship but I don’t know theresult yet. Since my advisor told me scholarships will not be processed untilafter the start of the semester. But even if I didn’t get the scholarship, myparents have prepared enough money for my studies in America.

  31、Will you continue your study in America after you graduate?

  I don’t think so. After I graduate, I want to goback to China and find a job to accumulate as much working experience as I can.Hospitality Management emphasizes more on practical experience than ontheories. So when I get the master’s degree, I would like to start my work assoon as possible.

  If I need to further my study later in my work, I will consider.

  32、Did you prepare for this Interview by yourself?

  Yes I prepared for this interview all by myself.I believe in my English ability and with the help of the Internet, I don't needto rely on anyone else.

  (How did you prepare for this interview?)

  Firstly, I log on to the official website of American embassy to get the listof the required materials and prepared for all these materials according to thelist.

  Then I went to a forum called chasedream which discusses such things. I readthe articles written by those who have successfully got the visa and learnedsome valuable experiences from them.

  33、Your parents both work in the government, why do you want to work in a hotel?

  Everyone has different dreams and goals. Mygoals are to become a senior executive in a 5-star hotel within 5 years and setup my own hotel within 10 years. I am also interested in hotels.

  34、How much do you know about FIU?

  It’s a public university with 69 years ofhistory. It has two campuses both located in Miami, Florida. Its currentpresident is Mark Rosenberg. It is ranked among the top 100 public universitiesin the US. And its school of hospitality and tourism management has the highestranked hospitality and tourism program in the southeast United States, theprogram is ranked 6th. Its undergraduate international business programs areranked among the top 15 and graduate programs among the top 25. It has about40,000 students.

  35、Does anyone else help you make your career plan?

  No, I made my plan by myself. I have always beeninterested in hotels and during my vacations in the resort where my cousin wasworking, I developed more interests in hotel work and made up my mind to startmy business in the hotel industry in future.

  TIP: 最重要是让签证官听明白回答的内容。同时反应要快,不要签证官提问停顿太久也回答不上来。当你没听清问题时,可以礼貌地请签证官再说一遍,切忌无动于衷。






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