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2012-02-29 16:49




【 liuxuequn.com - 出国签证 】



 1. 合法居留的权利

收到学生签证,首先需要关注的就是签证的有效期(the applicant’s visais valid until****),这意味着你有权在此之前以合法身份居留澳大利亚。

 2. 多次往返的权利(Multiple Entry to Australia)


3 . 打工的权利



 1. 8105条款打工时间限制


8105条款也有例外: 一是学生在学校放假期间的打工没有时间限制;二是学生申请的课程中包含的工作实践内容不受打工时间限制;三是学生不能在课程开始之前打工,即在学校的注册确认书(coe)上所标注的课程正式开始日期之前不能打工。此外,申请人如果有配偶,且申请人是攻读硕士学位和博士学位,配偶可以全日制打工!

2 . 8202条款学习限制

在持学生签证到达澳大利亚之后,学生必须在注册课程中保持全日制的学习,并且在每个学期的出勤率必须保持在80以上,而且每学期的在校成绩还必须达到学校满意的程度。因此学生必须注意自己的出勤率状况。如学生的出勤率不理想,要仔细检查学校发的warning letter,在自己可以控制自己的情况下,确保自己不连续缺课。至于成绩的问题,澳大利亚各个学校对学生的学习容忍度不太一样,有的要求成绩通过50%,有的要求通过60%。 不过无论如何,成绩不好都是很危险的信号,要提前做出反应。基本上澳大利亚每个招收国际学生的学校都会设置专门的国际学生辅导员,对于第一学期学习有严重困难的学生,建议立刻向辅导员咨询或者更换课程或者寻找当地的留学移民专家安排转学校。


 3. 8501条款健康保险限制


 4. 8516条款:对转校的规定




 5. 8517条款:如果学生签证持有人有18岁以下子女作为陪读人员,那么签证持有人必须确保学龄阶段的陪同子女在澳大利亚就学。

 6. 8532条款:如果学生签证持有人是未满18周岁的学生,那么学生不能随意改变学校安排的住宿和监护人等安排,除非有学校或者其他监护人书面的同意函。

 7. 8533条款: 修改地址必须汇报



 8 . 8534条款:无法境内延期签证

如果你所就读的课程长度是10个月或以下,在学生签证上就会被附加8534(No Further Stay)条款,这意味着签证到期前,除了移民申请和工作许可外,学生不能在境内申请任何的签证来延期居留,包括学生签证延期。签证到期学生就必须离开澳大利亚。如果学生想要再就读其他课程,也必须返回中国重新办理学生签证。澳大利亚留学网首席顾问黄文勇老师特此补充说明:

A. 如果客户遇到特殊情况,需要续签,那么我们可以向移民局专门的8534小组申请豁免。我们就成功帮助很多留学生朋友申请到了豁免。特殊情况理由很多,比如医疗健康、突发事项等。


C. 留学生毕业后在境内申请移民类别的TR或者PR,如果有8534条款,在申请电子签证的时候是无法递交的,所以必须在递交paper申请的时候同时申请豁免8534.



mission Request ID: 1840540109
Client ID:      71242098730

Mr Wenyong HUANG
PO BOX 21058

Dear Mr Wenyong HUANG

Application for a Class TU visa by Yun* HE lodged on 09 March 2011.

I am pleased to advise that the applicant has been granted a student visa,
which allows them to study towards a Vocational Education Sector course.
This visa is called a subclass 572 Vocational Education Sector student
visa. If the applicant wishes to study towards a course in a different
education sector or with a different education provider, the applicant
should refer to the Department's website for advice (


The visa grant number is 8039515981953.  This is the unique number assigned
to the visa.  Visa holders should keep this visa grant number with them, as
they may have to provide it to the Department during the life of the visa.


The visa is linked to the passport number that the visa holder provided in
their application. If they obtain a new passport after receiving this
letter, they will need to e-mail a certified copy of their passport to the
Helpdesk at 
eVisa.Students.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au and advise the Department
of their new passport details. Otherwise, they should contact their nearest
Immigration office in Australia or overseas.

Please note: If visa holders do not provide us with the details of any new
passport issued to them, they may experience significant delays at the
airport and may be denied permission to board their plane.


Period of stay

The applicant's visa is valid until 20 May 2012.

The applicant's visa allows them multiple entry to Australia. This means
they can leave Australia and re-enter as many times as they like, subject
to their visa conditions, while their visa is in effect.

Important information for students from the People's Republic of China

You or the visa holder must check the following website for important
information regarding the visa holder's visa label. Please go to
www.immi.gov.au/students/index.htm for more information.

Information for students from other countries

Applicants do not need a visa label to travel to, or enter Australia.
Whether the applicant(s) applied over the Internet or by paper application,
they can check their visa details through the Department's Visa Entitlement
Verification Online (VEVO) service. They can access VEVO by visiting
www.immi.gov.au/students/index.htm and clicking on VEVO. If the applicant
(s) have already registered to use VEVO they can use their password(s) or
their Transaction Reference Number.

Employers and educational providers can view information about the visa
holder with consent through VEVO at 

The applicant may only stay in Australia for the period of their visa. Any
further stay in Australia will only be permitted if the applicant is
granted another visa. The applicant may be eligible to apply for a further
visa via the Internet. If the applicant wishes to make an application for a
further visa you may wish to direct them to 
www.immi.gov.au to check
whether they are eligible to apply online.

Visa conditions

The applicant's visa has been granted subject to a number of conditions.

A full list of the applicant(s) visa conditions are attached to this
letter. The visa holder should retain this letter and refer to this list if
there is any doubt as to the number and type of conditions attached to
their visa.

It is very important that the applicant abides by their visa conditions. If
they fail to abide by any of their visa conditions, their visa may be
cancelled and they may be required to leave Australia.

If the applicant's visa is subject to condition 8534 or 8535, they may only
apply for certain types of visas while they remain in Australia.


You can now check your visa details through accessing Visa Entitlement
Verification Online (VEVO) at 
www.immi.gov.au/students/index.htm and
clicking on the VEVO link. VEVO allows certain third parties to check your
visa information with your consent.

Through VEVO, you can give your consent to registered third parties such
•       employers and labour suppliers, to help check whether their visa allows
them to work in Australia;
•       government agencies, such as the Australian Taxation Office, Medicare and
Centrelink, to help assess eligibility for services;
•       licensing authorities, to help establish their eligibility for a licence;
•       educational institutions to assess whether they can study in Australia;
•       financial institutions, to assess eligibility for finance.

The disclosure of visa information by the Department is governed by the
Privacy Act 1988. With the consent of the visa holder through form 157A
Application for a Student Visa the Department may disclose information to a
third party. Visa holders can consent to an inquiry about their visa
entitlements by giving the third party their name, date of birth, passport
number and passport country of issue. If the visa holder does not wish a
third party to find out about their visa entitlements, they should not give
them this information.

The information form 993i 'Safeguarding your personal information',
available from Immigration offices and can be downloaded from our website
www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/993i.pdf. This form gives details of third
parties to which the visa holder can consent to their personal information
being disclosed, and how they can consent.

Additional Information for Overseas Students

The Education Services for Overseas Student Act 2000 (the ESOS Act)
provides important safeguards for overseas students in Australia.  The ESOS
Act regulates the activities of education providers who deliver education
and training to international students by setting standards and providing
for tuition and financial assurance.  For more information on their rights
under the ESOS Act,  please refer applicants to:

If the applicant chooses to work part time while studying in Australia,
they are entitled to the same work rights as Australian permanent residents
and citizens.  For more information and advice about conditions of
employment in Australia applicants can visit the following website
www.wo.gov.au or phone the workplace infoline on 1300 363 264.

Cultural or other difficulties

If the applicant(s) find themselves experiencing any cultural or financial
difficulties while in Australia, they should seek advice from the primary
applicant's educational institution or their country's Embassy or

If the applicants' visas are subject to condition 8534 or 8535, they may
only apply for certain types of visas while they remain in Australia.

If you or the applicant(s) have any visa related queries go to the
Department's website at 
www.immi.gov.au, alternatively, you may call 131
881 from anywhere in Australia. Migration agents should first refer to the
Department's website before contacting the Department.

The applicant(s) should keep a copy of this letter so they may refer to it
at a later date.

Yours sincerely

Emily Farley
Delegate of the Minister for Immigration
Position No: 60019674
29 April 2011

The visa conditions attached to the main applicant's visa are:
Condition - 8105

(1) Subject to subclauses (2) and (3), the holder must not engage in work
in Australia for more than 20 hours a week during any week when the
holder's course of study or training is in session.

(2) Subclause (1) does not apply to work that was specified as a
requirement of the course when the course particulars were entered in the
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.

(3) The holder must not engage in work before the course for which the
initial student visa was granted commences.

Condition - 8202

If the visa holder is the holder of a subclass 576 (AusAID or Defence
sector) visa, they must be enrolled in a full-time course of study or

If the visa holder is not the holder of a subclass 576 (AusAID or Defence
sector) visa, they must:

- remain enrolled in a registered course (unless they are a secondary
exchange student who holds a subclass 571 (Schools sector) visa, in which
case they must be enrolled in a full-time course of study or training);

- achieve satisfactory course progress as determined by their education

- achieve satisfactory attendance as determined by their education

Note: A registered course is one that is one the Commonwealth Register of
Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Go to
http://cricos.dest.gov.au for a list of registered courses and education

Condition - 8501

The visa holder must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance
during their stay in Australia.

Condition - 8516

The visa holder must continue to satisfy the criteria for grant of their

Condition - 8517

The visa holder must maintain adequate schooling arrangements for their
school-age dependants who join them in Australia on a student dependant
visa for more than 3 months.

Condition - 8532

If the visa holder:

1) has not turned 18; AND
2) is not an AusAID student or a Defence student; AND
3) is not staying in Australia with:
a) a parent;
b) a person who has custody of them; or
c) a relative who has been nominated by their parent or a person who has
custody of them, is aged at least 21 and is of good character;

they must maintain accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements
that have been approved by their education provider.

Where accommodation, support and general welfare is being provided by the
education provider, the holder must not enter Australia before the welfare
arrangements are due to commence.

Note: The visa holder must not change those arrangements without the
written approval of their education provider.

Condition - 8533

The visa holder must notify their education provider of their residential
address in Australia within 7 days of arriving in Australia.

The visa holder must notify their education provider of any change in their
residential address within 7 days of the change.

The visa holder must notify their current education provider of a change of
education provider within 7 days of receiving the electronic Confirmation
of Enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment from their new education

  想了解更多出国签证网的资讯,请访问: 出国签证
