我是研究类的学生,是那种一年的MSc by research 然后转3年的PHD的,只准备了够一年的资金,offer上写的学习时间是3年,群里的朋友们感觉这种情况有点不妥。我也心理没底,想用手里的另外一个一年授课的CON-OFFER去签,后来左思右想,还是觉得和VO实话实说。于是给VO写了一封信把我的情况说明白,介绍了学校的政策又提供了教授的来信。下面是我的签证经历。希望对将要递签,尤其是在沈阳递签的研究类飞友有帮助。
要说一下,我给VO写了一信,按照网上得名称写的是“to whom it may be concerned ”收材料的女孩告诉我要写“To ECO”(好像是,记不清了)还要在落款处签上汉语名字,她把我给VO的信和我的护照放在了黑包得最前面。我的uncon-offer只有个FAX版的,她就叫我在上面写上没有原件的原因。爸爸的工资证明不是A4的纸,她就同时要了个A4纸的复印件。
四.My documents list for VISA application所有的签证材料和递交情况
PART ONE:Main Documents for Visa Application
1. VAF1 2004 & 1 passport photos 收走
2. Student Questionnaire收走(其实这个东西,自己想什么写什么好了,说明白自己的想法,不用斟字酌句,也不要夸夸其谈)
3. My Passport 原件返回,复印件签证中心用
4. Faxed Confirm letter of Unconditional Offer from the University of B原件和复印件都收走了
5. Conditional offer & Regulations for the Degree of Master in the Faculty of Medical & Veterinary Science from the University of B复印件收走
6. Certificate for Bachelor Degree
7. Certificate of Graduation
8. Academic Records of Undergraduate (both in Chinese and English)
9. TOEFL Pater-based Test Score Record复印件收走
PART TWO:Finance Supporting Documents
1. Funding List 收走
2. Financial supporting letter from my parents 收走
3. Deposit Receipt List, Fixed Deposit Receipts and Interest Note 复印件收走
4. My Mother’s Working and Income Certificate 单位的证明收走
5. My Mother’s Retirement Certificate 复印件收走
6. My Mother’s Working and Income Certificate of Reemployment after Retirement. 单位的证明收走
7. My Mother’s Salary Slips. 复印件收走
8. My Father’s Working and Income Certificate 单位的证明收走
9. My Father’s Income List. 收走
10. My Father’s Awards Certificate (With 2 supplements) 收走
Supplement1. My Father’s Awards Tax Payment List
Supplement2. The Copies of Pay-in Warrant in Common Use in Taxation of the P.R.C.
11. My Father’s Retirement Certificate 复印件收走
12. My Father’s Working and Income Certificate of Reemployment after Retirement. 单位的证明收走
13. My Father’s Reemployment Salary Slip. 复印件收走
PART Three:Auxiliary Documents
1. Household Register 复印件收走
2. Copies of My ID Card and my parents’ 不要
3. Emails from my expected advisor 返回
4. The copy of My father’s passport. 返回
5. Qualification Certificate of Professional Post Holding of My father 返回
6. Housing Ownership Certificate. 返回
Original documents list 递交的所有原件
1. My Passport 返回,多了个图
2. Faxed Confirm letter of Unconditional Offer from the University of Bristol 原件复印件都收走了
3. Conditional offer & Regulations for the Degree of Master in the Faculty of Medical & Veterinary Science from the University of B 原件返回了
4. Certificate for Bachelor Degree 原件返回
5. Certificate of Graduation 原件返回
6. TOEFL Pater-based Test Score Record 原件返回
7. Deposit Receipt List, Fixed Deposit Receipts and Interest Note
8. My Mother’s Retirement Certificate 原件返回
.9. My Mother’s Salary Slips.原件返回
10. My Father’s Retirement Certificate原件返回
11. My Father’s Reemployment Salary Slip. 原件返回
12. Household Register 原件返回
13. Qualification Certificate of Professional Post Holding of My father原件复印件都返回
15. Housing Ownership Certificate. 原件复印件都返回
Miss Bei
Shenyang City, Liaoning Prov. P.R.C.
To visa officer,
My name is Bei. Here I am applying for my student visa for the first academic year 2005/06. I am accepted by the University of Bristol as a postgraduate research student and my study duration is minimum 12months and maximum 36months, According to the university’s policy, they register students initially for an MSc and upgrade after 10-12 months of study through a dissertation. If I were upgraded successfully, I should further my research and study for another three years for a PHD, if not, I should spend another one or two years to complete my MSc. Therefore, I can make sure the exact additional time needed in Britain and then renew my visa at the end of the first academic year.
The relevant documents could be found from the university’s offer, the E-mails from my expected adviser and the Regulations for the Degree of Master in the Faculty of Medical & Veterinary Science from Bristol University.
Thank you very much for your considering of my visa.
With Warm regards
Sincerely yours,
21 July, 2005